A Festival for Everyone

The route to an accessible, cooperative and sustainable Zürcher Theater Spektakel

The Zürcher Theater Spektakel is a place for encounters with international art. Since 1980, it has been inviting artists with diverse experiences, backgrounds and perspectives to Zurich. One of its founding intentions was to make art accessible to everyone – in contrast to the city’s cultural institutions, often perceived as elitist at the time. A lot has happened since. The Theater Spektakel as well as Switzerland have changed significantly, as have the demographics of the City of Zurich. Being an accessible, international festival for Zurich in step with the times – regarding artistic contents as well as the prevailing socialand political realities – requires continuous development.

Affiliation – creating a space for everyone

We see the Zürcher Theater Spektakel as a social space, which we, as hosts, want to shape in cooperative, inclusive, sustainable and ways.

Our goal is to reflect our social diversity at all levels of the festival – programme, staff, audience – and to create additional opportunities for participation, reflection and exchange. Artists, visitors and staff members should feel welcome at the festival, regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation or identity. Hatred, baiting, antisemitism, hostility towards Muslims, racism and discrimination of any kind have no place at the Theater Spektakel. It has been our endeavour for years to make the festival an inclusive and discrimination-sensitive place. As a next logical step on this path, we have implemented an awareness concept

We consider ourselves lucky because the audience of the Zürcher Theater Spektakel has always been very open-minded towards different artistic signatures and new formats. We will continue to cherish this relationship and add to Zurich’s diversity with our programme.

Accessibility – breaking down barriers

In order to be a «festival for everyone» it is important to break down barriers and obstacles of all kinds step by step.

We wish to create an offer for people who have less financial resources, a different cultural or social background or different capacities than the «classic» festival goer. For people with disabilities, the Theater Spektakel offers a variety of access aids. Additionally, we have continuously expanded our offer of workshops, our discourse programme and mediation events in the past years. Through concessions as well as free suspended tickets, we want to make sure that no one is excluded from visiting the festival due to their financial situation. It is our goal to be a workplace for an increasing number of people from diverse backgrounds and with different abilities.

Partnerships – creating networks for artists

The creation of the Zürcher Theater Spektakel as an international meeting of the independent dance and theatre scene continues to characterise the festival’s image and its cultural and political mission within the City of Zurich.

The Theater Spektakel shall also be a platform for young and emerging artists, especially artists from the Global South. Within a network of international festivals, we assume our role as supportive partner for artists and their work – as co-producer, through encounter programmes for young artists or through the patronage and acknowledgment prizes awarded annually. As a subsidised cultural institution in Europe, it is fundamentally important to consciously make use of our opportunities to create visibility for artists and themes. Additionally, the festival shall make a contribution to the development of the performing arts by facilitating projects that interface with other art forms.

Sustainability – reducing our ecological footprint

We not only want the artistic program to have a sustainable impact; the festival operations should also meet Zurich's climate target in the near future.

We have been implementing measures in the areas of energy and waste for over 15 years. In 2024, we will subject the entire festival operation to a climate and environmental assessment, from which we will derive addi- tional measures in the areas of mobility, infrastructure and catering. For more information click here.

The festival direction, June 2024