Advance Booking
Online from Fri 28 June 10 hrs to Sun 1 September see here / no booking fee
Advance Booking Bellevue Fri 28 June 10 hrs to Wed 14 August,
Mon to Sat 11–14 and 15–19 hrs / closed on 1 and 10 August / no booking fee
Telephone sales 0900 320 320, Fr. 1.−/min from landlines / from Fri 28 June 10 hrs, after that Mon to Fri 9–17 hrs
Box office Landiwiese During the festival daily from 17 hrs / no booking fee
On-Site Box Office
A ticket quota for all performances is available at the Landiwiese box office from 90 minutes before the start of the performance. If there are 20 tickets or less remaining, only two tickets per person will be issued. 30 minutes before the start: Two tickets for the price of one for unsold shows.
Landiwiese from 90 minutes before the start of the performance
Werft / Rote Fabrik no box office at the venue / Box office Landiwiese from 90 minutes before the start of the performance
People under 25 or in possession of one of the following documents can purchase concessionary tickets for personal use: student card,Kulturlegi, IV, Zürcher Kantonalbank bank card (limited quota), «Tages-Anzeiger»’s carte blanche (only for performances at the Werft and on the Seebühne, limited quota). One discounted ticket per person and performance is available for members of the following associations: assitej, SBKV,, ProCirque, t., Theater Club, IGTZ (Interest Group Dance Central Switzerland .An ID or an equivalent docu- ment must be presented at the entrance upon request, otherwise the full price must be paid. Children up to the age of 12 pay the reduced children’s price (only in performances labelled «For children and families»).
Suspended Tickets
When purchasing a ticket (online or at the Landiwiese box office) you can pay additionally for a suspended ticket (Fr. 25.–) or a sus- pendeddrink (Fr. 6.–) and enable a person with a low income to participate in the festival. Should you want to make use of a suspended ticket or drink, you can call 044 442 24 22 or mail A big thank you to all the donors.
General Information
Ticket = Free ticket for the city district The ticket for a performance at the Theater Spektakel entitles you to a round trip within the city district (zone 110, 2nd class).
Standing room Some performances offer standing room only. Please look out for the respective information.
Openair performances on the Seebühne Should the performances be cancelled due to bad weather or storm, you will be informed no later than two hours before the beginning of performance on our homepage.
Cancelled performances Tickets cannot be returned or exchanged. Exception: tickets for performances that are canceled by the festival direction. Any extra performances will be announced on our homepage.
No late admittance In order to avoid disturbances, late-comers will not be admitted after the start of the performance.
General information on ticketing (no ticket sales, no reservation) 044 442 24 20. from Thu 15 August, daily 15–17 hrs
Would you like to book your tickets early in future? As a patron you benefit from the possibility of advance booking and exclusive invitations before and during the festival; further information.
Would you like to give someone a voucher for a performance at the Zürcher Theater Spektakel? Here you can buy a digital voucher. Please note that each voucher code can only be redeemed once and no credit remains.
Performances on Seebühne
Information on the performances on the lakeside stage available at least two hours before the start of performance on