Gergő D. Farkas

Deep Fake


A lonely hybrid, part human, part avatar, moves to eerie music. Between virtual and authentic reality, the figure enters into a delicate relationship with a metal grid. The contours of the living become blurred in this strange, flickering environment. What is real? What is fake? In a world characterised by TikTok videos and AI-generated deep fakes, what is real at all? Choreographer Gergő D. Farkas explores these questions with almost unbearably light movements and a touch of irony. «Deep Fake» is a black-humoured and melancholic swan song to the end of the anthropocene. (sst)

Simple words

A lonely creature moves to eerie music.

It dances with a metal grid.

We don't know if it is a person or a figure from another world.

What is actually real?

With the internet and TikTok, we sometimes no longer know which is which.

That's what this dance evening is about.

Artistic direction and cast

Choreografie & PerformanceGergő D. Farkas
Assistenz & künstlerische LeitungEndre Cserna
MusikMárton Csernovszky
LichtKata Dézsi
BeratungImre Vass
VideoGergely Ofner
WebgestaltungDániel Kophelyi
FinanzmanagementSín Arts Centre
FotoIringo Simon


UnterstützungImre Zoltán, Programm des Nationalen Kulturfonds Ungarn
DankSín Arts Centre, Workshop Foundation, Aerowaves Europe
Premiere2021, art quarter budapest

Rote Fabrik, Fabriktheater

Site map

Performance & dance. Queerness, fake & reality

Short Pieces / Nominated for the ZKB Acknowledgement Prize


00.45 Min.


14 years plus

An inclusive event

accessible with wheelchair


An event in cooperation with IG Rote Fabrik


shows from today
  • Th 22.08. 21:30 - 22:15 CHF 15.–/15.– 
  • Fr 23.08. 21:30 - 22:15 CHF 15.–/15.– 
  • Sa 24.08. 21:30 - 22:15 CHF 15.–/15.– 
