28. Juni 2024 , Azadeh Sharifi


Essay by Azadee Sharifi

What possibilities does art not only offer to better understand our complicated present, but also to cope with it? Theatre and cultural studies scholar Azadeh Sharifi argues that co-presence, i.e. the joint presence of an audience with the artists during a performance, should not be understood as a passive spectatorship. Instead, participation in an artistic event should be used to question one’s own involvement in social phenomena and power structures and should assume co-responsibility for them.  

20. June 2024 , Lea Loeb

«Theatre should be a human right»

Interview with the interdisciplinary artist Tiziano Cruz

After wowing audiences with «Soliloquy» at the Zürcher Theater Spektakel in 2022, Tiziano Cruz is now returning to Switzerland with his latest piece «Wayqeycuna». The works of the interdisciplinary artist, who lives in Buenos Aires, combine visual and theatrical language, performance and artistic intervention in public space. Our curator Lea Loeb conducted an interview with Tiziano Cruz to talk about «Wayqeycuna».  

30.April 2024 , Maria Rößler

«This voice cannot be silenced»

Interview with the Polish director Marta Górnicka

For the opening of the festival at the Werfthalle, Polish director Marta Górnika, known for her powerful choral pieces, performs «Mothers. A Song for Wartime» together with 21 women from Belarus, Poland and Ukraine. In powerful, courageous and touching ways, they use the strength of their voices to make an urgent appeal for peace. «'Mothers' is a tribute to the tradition of Ukrainian singing, a living voice that penetrates and moves», says director Marta Górnicka in the exclusive interview with our curator Maria Rößler, «and this voice cannot be silenced.»  

25. März 2024 , Lea Loeb

«We dare to dream again»

Interview with the Brazilian choreographer Alice Ripoll

The choreographer, dancer, and movement trainer Alice Ripoll is one of the most significant figures in contemporary dance within Brazil. In August 2024, Alice Ripoll will be a guest at Zürcher Theater Spektakel with her latest work «Zona Franca», that she created together with Companhia Suave. Our curator Lea Loeb spoke to her, among other things about the creation of the piece in an exciting time of transition.  

February 20, 2024 , Sascha Ehlert

«Hope is the beginning of everything»

An interview with the Argentinian director Lola Arias

For more than twenty years now, Argentinian director and author Lola Arias has dealt with human experiences and socio-political developments in her plays, films, texts and other art forms. The topics and the development of her works are always based on conversations and experiences with people from all areas of society. For her current community project, Arias has collaborated for years with former Argentinian prisoners.  

20. June 2024

Magazin 2023

To the interviews of last years «Magazin» with Jelena Jureša, Amanda Piña, Nicoleta Esinencu, Charles Heller von Border Forensics, Wangari Grace und Sven Kacirek, Renata Carvalho, Robyn Orlin and others