Jenny Hval



Norwegian artist Jenny Hval has been masterfully interpreting the entire range of pop music for 15 years. All of her ten albums – the last of which, «Classic Objects», was released in 2022 on the 4AD label – interweave electronic and acoustic elements and are sometimes closer to folk and sometimes to experimental music. Throughout her musical excursions, Jenny Hval’s voice is apowerful and unmistakable constant. Her authorship is always recognisable in her personal song lyrics – and not only in her music, but also in the three novels that this talented interdisciplinary artist has published to date.

Writing and singing, Hval reflects on herself and her environment. This is also the case in her new performance «I WANT TOBE A MACHINE», which she presents at this year’s Zürcher Theater Spektakel. Based on the avant-garde play «Die Hamletmaschine» (1977) by playwright and poet Heiner Müller, who drew his inspiration from Shakespeare’s «Hamlet», Hval formulates new ideas on the definition of pop in this interdisciplinary performance. With three other musicians and impressive visuals, she approaches the question of what stories could be told on stage today and in the future. The artist pursues her thesis that music in today’s world must constantly reassert its potential as a meaningful physical and philosophical experience. (mn)

Simple words

Jenny Hval makes pop music.

Her last album was released in 2022.

It is called «Classic Objects».

Jenny Hval also writes books.

At the Theater Spektakel, Jenny Hval plays new music.

Videos are projected during her concert.

Artistic direction and cast

MusikJenny Hval
FotoJenny Berger Myhre


Site map

Music performance. Avantgarde-Pop with references to theatre

An inclusive event

accessible with wheelchair with inductive hearing loop


Seats only


shows from today
  • Tu 27.08. 20:30 - 22:00 CHF 45.–/25.– 
