Lola Arias

Care in documentary theatre

Buenos Aires, Berlin
 Lola Arias, Photo: Eugenia Kais
Lola Arias, Photo: Eugenia Kais

By confronting the experience of war, violence and oppression, the two festival artists Marta Górnicka and Lola Arias perform artistic conflict and care work. In two workshops on the first weekend of the festival, they provide insights into their working methods and show how biographies that reflect social and personal traumas can be narrated and shared – and how this narrating and sharing sometimes reveals survival strategies.

In her films and theatre plays, Lola Arias consistently works on the border between reality and fiction. Much of her material is based on the biographies of those involved. In this way, she brings political reality into the artistic space. This applies to her award-winning work with Falklands War veterans as well as her current project «Los dias afuera» with former inmates of an Argentinian women's prison, presented on the first weekend of the festival. In her workshop, she provides insights into her working methods, how she goes about finding themes and designing collective artistic processes that are based on practised care.

Further events within «Komplexität aushalten. Konflikte umsorgen. Kunst befragen»

Marta Górnicka
Giving a voice. Dealing with violence and armed conflict in (performing) art (Workshop) 
Date Sun 18.8., 4 pm Venue Probebühne, Rote Fabrik Language English Entrance free, with Ticket

Meron Mendel & Hannan Salamat 
Trotzdem sprechen: Pluralität und Dialog in der Kunst (Panel discussion) 

Date Tue 20.8., 6 pm Venue Seebühne Language German Entrance free, with ticket

Richard Sennett 
Street and Stage (Lecture & Talk) 
Date Wed 21.8., 6 pm Venue Seebühne Language English, Simultaneous translation into German Entrance free, with ticket

Artistic direction and cast

Mit:Lola Arias

Workshop. Collective artistic processes & practised care.




18 years plus


The events within «Komplexität aushalten. Konflikte umsorgen. Kunst befragen» are supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia


shows from today
  • Su 18.08. 16:00 - 17:50 Admission free 
