Meron Mendel & Hannan Salamat

Trotzdem sprechen: Pluralität und Dialog in der Kunst


Like many international cultural institutions, the Zürcher Theater Spektakel is a place that is committed not only to international but also transcultural encounters. The events since 7 October 2023 and other current crises highlight the fragility and challenges of our culture of debate. Dialogue and plurality skills are insufficient in many areas of our society - even in milieus that are committed to combating discrimination. These gaps hinder important emancipatory work and undo the successes that have already been achieved. The Zürcher Theater Spektakel wants to emphasise the opportunities of plurality and creates spaces for encounters. In addition to workshops by female artists, we invite you to a talk that will shed light on the possibilities of dialogue in polarised times from the perspective of international artistic creation.

The Israeli-German publicist and director of the Anne Frank Educational Centre, Meron Mendel, will discuss this with the cultural and religious scholar Hannan Salamat from the Zurich Institute for Interreligious Dialogue ZIID. The talk will be moderated by Zurich journalist and filmmaker David Vogel.

Further events within the framework of «Komplexität aushalten. Konflikte umsorgen. Kunst befragen»


Lola Arias 
Care in documentary theatre (Workshop)
Date Sun 18.8., 16.00 pm. Venue Toni-Areal, ZHdK Language English Entrance free, with ticket

Marta Górnicka 
Giving a voice. Dealing with violence and armed conflict in (performing) art (Workshop) Date Sun 18.8., 16.00 pm Venue Probebühne, Rote Fabrik Language English Entrance free, with ticket

Richard Sennett 
Street and Stage (Lecture & Talk)
Date Wed 21.8., 18.00 pm Venue Seebühne Language English, Simultaneous translation into German Entrance free, with ticket


Artistic direction and cast

MitHanan Salamat, Meron Mendel
ModerationDavid Vogel


CoprductionZürcher Theater Spektakel and
Zürcher Institut für interreligiösen Dialog ZIID


Site map

Artistic Space for Thought and Action



1:30 hrs.




16 years plus

An inclusive event

accessible with wheelchair

Please note

In case of very bad weather the talk will be canceled. Information about the event 2 hours before the start on our website.

Thanks to

The events within the framework of «Komplexität aushalten. Konflikte umsorgen. Kunst befragen» are supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. In cooperation with not_your_bubble, a project of the ZIID – Zurich Institute for Interreligious Dialogue.


shows from today
  • Tu 20.08. 18:00 - 19:30 Admission free 
