Richard Sennett

Street and Stage

As a sociologist, Richard Sennett not only moves fluidly between the highly topical questions of how we organise our human coexistence, how our cities function and how we operate within them, he also makes his thoughts accessible and comprehensible to a wide audience through his essayistic writing style in books, such as «The Corrosion of Character», «The Craftsman» or «Building and Dwelling». 

In his latest book «The Performer: Art, Life, Politics», which will be published in German this autumn, he dwells on the performativity of the public space. Sennett poses important questions about the meaning of art and «artistic freedom» in contemporary political contexts and examines how performativity and political creative power are connected. In his Zurich lecture, he focuses on professional individual performers, such as Donald Trump or Boris Johnson, but also develops a view for the future in conversation with Katharina Morawek: How can democratic spaces be kept open and political-artistic strategies devised that oppose their closure and the globally increasing authoritarian tendencies? (fa)


Further events within «Komplexität aushalten. Konflikte umsorgen. Kunst befragen»


Lola Arias 
Care in documentary theatre (Workshop) 
Date Sun 18.8., 16.00 pm. Venue Toni-Areal, ZHdK Language English Entrance free, with ticket

Marta Górnicka 
Giving a voice. Dealing with violence and armed conflict in (performing) art (Workshop) 
Date Sun 18.8., 4 pm Venue Probebühne, Rote Fabrik Language English Entrance free, with Ticket

Meron Mendel & Hannan Salamat 
Trotzdem sprechen: Pluralität und Dialog in der Kunst (Panel) 

Date Tue 20.8., 6 pm Venue Seebühne Language German Entrance free, with ticket



Artistic direction and cast

MitRichard Sennett
ModerationKatharina Morawek
SimultanübersetzungMax Haverkamp, Hans-Martin Jörimann


Site map



1:30 hrs





An inclusive event

accessible with wheelchair with subtitle


In case of adverse weather, the panel will be cancelled. Information on potential cancellation on our website no later than 2 hours before the start of performance


The events within «Komplexität aushalten. Konflikte umsorgen. Kunst befragen» are supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia


shows from today
  • We 21.08. 18:00 - 19:30 Admission free 
