Lubna Abou Kheir & Ursina Greuel

Fünf Uhr morgens

Damascus, Zurich

«Fünf Uhr morgens» is the story of a personal re-traumatisation. What does it do to someone who has experienced displacement and flight only to learn that the same laws do not apply to all those fleeing from war?

Opening the borders and the labour market to people from Ukraine has been an overwhelming act of solidarity. However, non-European asylum seekers have not received the same level of support and have become second-class refugees. The author Lubna Abou Kheir came to Switzerland as an asylum seeker from Syria. In «Fünf Uhr morgens», she traces the feelings she experienced in the face of this unequal treatment. And is appalled. After all, she, who has always actively campaigned for human rights, notices a growing unease in herself about the treatment of an entire group – simply because of their origin. Where do these feelings come from? What happens to your own values and convictions when you are re-traumatised in supposedly safe Switzerland?

Directed by Ursina Greuel, Lubna Abou Kheir meets the Ukrainian musician Yulianna Khomenko. The audience is taken directly into the characters’ worlds of experience. They talk and sing to and against each other until their languages and music combine to create a surprisingly new sound. (ug)

Simple words

Two refugee women meet in Switzerland.

One is from Syria, the other from Ukraine.

The women drink coffee.

They sing. And they discuss.

They talk about how Ukranians are often treated better in Switzerland than Arabs.

They get to know each other and listen to each other.

Artistic direction and cast

TextLubna Abou Kheir
RegieUrsina Greuel
MitLubna Abou Kheir, Yulianna Khomenko
Yulianna Khomenko
AusstattungCornelia Peter
Œil extérieurSibylle Burkart
LichtYahya Hazrouka
FotoAyse Yavas


Produktionsogar theater
KoproduktionMatterhorn Produktion
UnterstützungKultur Stadt Zürich, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Ernst Göhner Stiftung
August 2024, sogar theater (Zürich)

sogar theater

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Theatre & Music. Flight & unequal treatment





16 years plus

An inclusive event

accessible with wheelchair


An event in cooperation with sogar theater




shows from today
  • We 28.08. 19:00 - 20:00 CHF 40.–/25.– 
  • Sa 31.08. 17:00 - 18:00 CHF 40.–/25.– 
