Mario Banushi

Taverna Miresia


Mario Banushi is one of the most important new voices in European theatre. His latest theatre piece «Taverna Miresia» works completely without words. Full of melancholic poetry and powerful imagery, it deals with Banushi’s experiences as an immigrant child in Greece, the search for his identity and the longing for his family, who remained in Albania.

«Miresia», the Albanian word for kindness, was the name of his late father’s tavern in the suburbs of Tirana. The neon sign of the former family restaurant occupies a prominent place on stage. It illuminates the atmospheric and associative series of images and fragments of memories with which Banushi brings the land of his childhood back to life, along with his sisters Bella and Anastasia. Gone are the days of joy and despair, when a meal was tantamount to care. The large family table with the now empty chairs symbolises everything that has never been said, the farewell to the father, the arrival into adulthood and the existential questions that come with it. A truly great evening of theatre about love, loss and memories that needs no words to be deeply engraved in the heart. (hd)

Simple words

Mario Banushi is an important new theatre director in Europe. 

His play «Taverna Miresia» tells a story without words.

Mario immigrated from Albania to Greece when he was a child.

«Taverna Miresia» was the name of the restaurant of his late father. 

«Miresia» is an Albanian word and means kindness. 

The play talks about love, loss and memory. 

It is a moving experience for the audience.

Artistic direction and cast

Konzeption & RegieMario Banushi
MitMario Banushi, Katerina Kristo, Eftychia Stefanou, Chryssi Vidalaki, Savina Yannatou
Bühne & KostümeSotiris Melanos
LichtEliza Alexandropoulou
OriginalmusikJeph Vanger
GesangsimprovisationSavina Yannatou
Dramaturgische Zusammenarbeit
Aspasia-Maria Alexiou
RegieassistenzSofia Antoniou
KostümassistenzVassiana Skopetea
LichtdesignMarietta Pavlaki
TontechnikKostas Chaidos
Technische DirektionGiorgos Antonopoulos
ProduktionsmanagementTooFarEast – Nikos Mavrakis
HerstellungsleitungTooFarEast – Aristidis Kreatsoulas
FotoTheofilos Tsimas


Produktionin Zusammenarbeit mit Theatro sti Sala, Athens Epidaurus Festival 2023 (präsentiert im Rahmen von grape – Greek Agora of Performance, einer Initiative des Athens Epidaurus Festivals zur Promotion griechischer Kreationen im Ausland)
PremiereJuli 2023, Athen


Site map

Theater without words. Family, Loss & Melancholy

Swiss Premiere, Nominated for the ZKB Patronage Prize


1.25 hrs.


no language skills required


16 years plus

Post-Performance Talk

Wed 21.8., after the performance

An inclusive event

accessible with wheelchair with inductive hearing loop not language based

Content Notes / Trigger Warning

Performers show strong emotions on stage such as crying, sobbing and spitting.
The performance contains nudity.


shows from today
  • Tu 20.08. 20:30 - 21:45 CHF 45.–/25.– 
  • We 21.08. 20:30 - 21:45 CHF 45.–/25.– 
  • Th 22.08. 20:30 - 21:45 CHF 45.–/25.– 
