
Let us talk

Sitting at a big table and coming together in conversation: The Stammtisch has become an established meeting point during the Zürcher Theater Spektakel to share ideas and insights. Every evening, the table is chaired by one or more guests. They come from different backgrounds: artists, activists or politically and socially engaged individuals. Theirthoughts on current social issues are the starting point for the talks. They expand the topics and questions the international artists bring to Zurich with their works. Our guests kick off the discussion, everything else is up to you.


Recycling as a colonial business model

Fri 16.8. / English

Europe benefits from the outsourcing of the recycling industry to Africa. What does it do to a society’s self-image when it is inundated with used fast fashion from the West? With Sunny Dolat from The Nest Collective (Nairobi) we talk about the role of art in dealing with colonial trauma, self-empowerment and visions for the future.


Multiple discrimination of migrant women*

Sat 17.8. / German, Spanish

In connection with the play «Mothers. A Song for Wartime» by Marta Górnicka, SPAZ and the «Colectivo sin Papeles» discuss the realities of life for refugee women and Finta* people in Switzerland.


20 Jahre Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz Schweiz

So 18.8. / Englisch

What is the current state of equality, participation and accessibility in Switzerland? We talk to festival artist Calvin Ratladi and Edwin Ramirez about how we experience the much-discussed inclusion – or don’t.


Nachhaltiger Schutz der Weltmeere

Mo 19.8. / Deutsch

The NGO KYMA, based in Zurich, calls for the prosecution of crimes against nature. The damage to the oceans caused by industrial fishing, plastic pollution and deep-sea mining is a particular focus of KYMA’s important work.


Auf der Suche nach postkapitalistischen Utopien

Di 20.8. / Englisch

Isabelle Fremeaux & Jay Jordan talk about the (in)compatibility of art and activism. Since 2004, Labofii has been bringing artists and activists together to form creative disobedience – in a fun and politically effective way.


Non-binary indigenous techno future

Wed 21.8. / English

With Shu Lea Cheang and Dondon Hounwn, we discuss their three-part work «Living Gaya Dreaming Hagay». It bridges the gap between indigenous storytelling and techno-futuristic fantasies: fluid genres, gender and the future of indigenous rituals.


Endlich handeln – Wieso Ökozid gerichtbar verankert werden muss

Thu 22.8. / German

To date, it is still not possible to prosecute those responsible for environmental damage. The Zurich-based NGO KYMA is calling for ecocide to be recognised as an international crime by international courts. What does it take for ecocide to be negotiated the sameway as genocide and war crimes? And what role does Switzerland play?


(Un)sichtbarmachen von Schwarzen und PoC Körpern

Fri 23.8. / English

Rébecca Chaillon presents her performance «Whitewashing» at the Zürcher Theater Spektakel. The artist talks to the diversity agent Dr. phil. Yuvviki Dioh about structural racism in art and what Black artists need in order to feel comfortable in white art institu- tions.


Koloniale Raubkunst in europäischen Museen

Sat 24.8. / English

The exhibition «Dialogue with Benin. Art, Colonialism and Restitution» at the Museum Rietberg prompts an in-depth examination of colonial looted art and restitution. Cameroonian choreographer Zora Snake performs «L’Opéra du Villageois» as part of a collaboration of the museum and Zürcher Theater Spektakel and is a guest at the Stamm- tisch together with curators Josephine Abbe and Michaela Oberhofer.


Wenn Jüd*innen und Muslim*innen zusammenhalten

Sun 25.8. / German

Dialogue dries up most quickly in crises. The current events in the Middle East are hardening the fronts and this is also noticea- ble in Zurich. The members of the Zurich group Gemeinsam einsam (Lonely Togeth- er) are countering this by listening to each other andcreating peace-oriented spaces for exchange.


Kritische Berichterstattung für eine informierte Gesellschaft

Tue 27.8. / German

Investigative research is a central part of many artistic projects in the festival pro- gramme. The collective WAV from Zurich has been providing educational work for journalists, editorial offices, civil society and the non-profit sector since 2021. The WAV team introduces itself and discusses the difficulties of mediation in the face of today’s information overload and fake news.


Schutzresidenzen in der Schweiz für gefährdete Künstler*innen

Wed 28.8. / German, English

The HUB Schutzresidenzen Schweiz is committed to freedom of expression and the protection of cultural workers at risk. At this Stammtisch, Teresa Chen and Adi Blum in- vite you to talk about the censorship, persecution and expulsion to which artists, authors and journalists are exposed in crisis regions. How can the HUB offer them protection and support in Switzerland?


Finta+ Personen in der Schweizer Bau- und Veranstaltungsbranche

Thu 29.8. / German

In 2023, the inclusive artistic project «Finta+ bauen» with employees of the Zürcher Theater Spektakel asked how Finta+ people can work in all professions without discrimination. This year, they are taking a look back: how has the movement grown? How have structural inequalities for Finta+people developed since?


Erinnerung als anti-rassistische Praxis

Fri 30.8. / German

In times of racially and antisemitically motivated attacks, such as those in Zurich and Hanau, it is more important than ever to resist assaults on our diverse society through dialogue and education. The Initiative 19. Februar Hanau commemorates the victims with discursive and artistic means and invites you to join in the dialogue at the Stammtisch.


Dies ist keine Botschaft. Kunst und Realpolitik

Sat 31.8. / German, English

On three evenings, Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll) presents «Dies ist keine Botschaft(Made in Taiwan)», a play highlighting Taiwan’s complex political situation. PD Dr. Alba Grano from the Taiwan Studies Project at the University of Zurich and the author and sinologist Alice Grünfelder discuss with dramaturge Szu-Ni Wen how art can make politics through facts and assertions.

Artistic direction and cast

HostSandra Schudel


Site map

Talks at Stammtisch


1 hrs.


German, Englisch or as announces

An inclusive event

accessible with wheelchair


not necessary


shows from today
  • Fr 16.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – Nest Collective: Recycling als koloniales Geschäftsmodell
    Admission free 
  • Sa 17.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – Sans Papiers Anlaufstelle Zürich: Mehrfachdiskriminierung von Migrant*innen
    Admission free 
  • Su 18.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – Calvin Ratladi & Edwin Ramirez: 20 Jahre Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz Schweiz
    Admission free 
  • Mo 19.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – KYMA: Nachhaltiger Schutz der Weltmeere
    Admission free 
  • Tu 20.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination: Auf der Suche nach postkapitalistischen Utopien
    Admission free 
  • We 21.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – Shu Lea Cheang & Dondon Hounwn: Non-binary indigenous techno future
    Admission free 
  • Th 22.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – KYMA: Endlich handeln – Wieso Ökozid gerichtbar verhandelt werden muss
    Admission free 
  • Fr 23.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – Rébecca Chaillon & Yuvviki Dioh: (Un)sichtbarmachen von Schwarzen und PoC Körpern
    Admission free 
  • Sa 24.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – Zora Snake, Josephine Abbe & Museum Rietberg: Koloniale Raubkunst in europäischen Museen
    Admission free 
  • Su 25.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – Gemeinsam Einsam: Wenn Jüd*innen und Muslim*innen zusammenhalten
    Admission free 
  • Tu 27.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – WAV Recherche-Kollektiv: Kritische Berichterstattung für eine informierte Gesellschaft
    Admission free 
  • We 28.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – Artists at Risk: Schutzresidenzen in der Schweiz für gefährdete Künstler*innen
    Admission free 
  • Th 29.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – Finta+ Bauen: Finta + Personen in der Schweizer Bau- und Veranstaltungsbranche
    Admission free 
  • Fr 30.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    – Initiative 19. Februar Hanau: Erinnerung als antirassistische Praxis
    Admission free 
  • Sa 31.08. 21:00 - 22:00
    Simona Alba Grano, Alice Grünefelder & Szu-Ni Wen: Dies ist keine Botschaft. Kunst und Realpolitik
    Admission free 
