Teresa Vittucci

Sane Satan

Vienna, Zurich

Satan is taboo. The apostate angel is the symbol par excellence of evil. This supposedly ominous figure is still used today to enforce moral concepts. But what exactly is framed as good or evil leaves room for interpretation. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at evil and at those who define it as such.

In the third and last part of her trilogy «IN PRAISE OF VULNERABILITY», Teresa Vittucci takes a humorous look at the stories and images that warn us so vehemently about the devil. In «HATE ME, TENDER», Mary debunks the myth of the hymen, while in «DOOM», Eve frees herself from an imposed value system thanks to her curiosity. Finally in «SANE SATAN», Teresa and her team look for a new, queer-feminist interpretation of this dazzling figure in our cultural history. Seductive, monstrous and trapped in the prevailing structures: Satan has the potential to be an accomplice for all those who are devalued, excluded and oppressed for their otherness. This resistive power of the figure of Satan, who comes to light in the role of outsider, critic and, not least, as a gender-ambiguous figure, paves the way for new per-spectives on common moral concepts. (tv&be)


Simple words

«SANE SATAN» is a dance piece about the devil.

We know the devil from many books and films.

The artists are looking for a new way to understand the devil.

Maybe the devil can also help some people?

Artistic direction and cast

Konzept, Regie & TextTeresa Vittucci
MitAlina Arshi, Teresa Vittucci
Dramaturgie, Text & VideoBenjamin Egger
Dramaturgischer SupportLea Moro
Bühne & LichtAnna Wohlgemuth
Licht & Technische DirektionAnahí Pérez
Choreografiessistenz & MaterialEmma Bertuchoz, Emmeliin Chemouny
ErfinderGabriel Schneider
Mitentwicklung & DankHenry Browne, Deborah Macauley
ProduktionsleitungDiana Paiva/high expectations
AdministrationKarin Erdmann
FotoBenjamin Egger


ProduktionOH DEAR! Zürich
KoproduktionInternationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel, Arsenic Lausanne, Tanzhaus Zürich, Charleroi danse DCCN, La Briqueterie CDCN, Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève, Dampfzentrale Bern
Unter- stützungRESO – Tanznetzwerk Schweiz, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Pro Helvetia, Stiftung Anne-Marie Schindler, Landis & Gyr Stif- tung, Prix Tremplin Leenaards/La Manufacture, Kulturfonds der Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA)
ResidenzenO Espaço do Tempo, La Briqueterie – CDCN du Val-de-Marne (unterstützt vom Französischen Kulturministerium/DRAC IDF)
PremiereAugust 2024, Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel (Hamburg)

Tanzhaus Zürich

Site map

Dance&Performance. New perspectives on common moral concepts

Swiss premiere


1.15 Hrs.




16 years plus

An inclusive event

accessible with wheelchair


An event in cooperation with Tanzhaus Zürich

Content Notes / Trigger Warnings

There are loud noises that are played without warning, as well as loud music.


shows from today
  • Fr 23.08. 19:30 - 20:45 CHF 35.–/25.–/15.– 
  • Sa 24.08. 21:00 - 22:15 CHF 35.–/25.–/15.– 
  • Su 25.08. 19:00 - 20:15 CHF 35.–/25.–/15.– 
