Tiziano Cruz


Jujuy, Buenos Aires

Tiziano Cruz’s sister died at the age of 18 in a hospital in the north of Argentina due to complications during childbirth. She was denied medical help because of her background. Her death highlights the deep-rooted, structural inequalities in Argentinian society, in which the same standards still do not apply to the indigenous population. Cruz now gifts his sister and the audience with a farewell ritual as it is celebrated in his home village in the north of Argentina. An altar is created on stage with animal-shaped bread, previously baked in a workshop, and other objects to accompany the departed on her journey. The ceremony creates a visually powerful and unifying antithesis to the experiences of violence and exclusion that are part of daily life for Cruz and the indigenous communities in white-dominated Argentina.

After «Soliloquy», which was performed at the Zürcher Theater Spektakel in 2022, «Wayqeycuna» concludes the family trilogy «Tres Maneras de Cantarle a una Montaña», in which Cruz deals with his origins, racism and class privileges. However this time, the performer and the audience are not left alone at the end, but gather in honour of the late sister – and become part of the narrative.(fa)

Simple words

Tiziano Cruz is an artist from a small village in the north of Argentina.

His sister died young.

Because she was an indigenous woman, the hospital did not help her.

In the play, Tiziano says goodbye to his sister.

Bread is shared on stage.

The bread is in the shape of animals.

The bread-animals keep the dead sister company.

Artistic direction and cast

Regie, Text, PerformanceTiziano Cruz
DramaturgieRodrigo Herrera
Künstlerische ZusammenarbeitRio Paraná – Duen Sacchi, Mag De Santo
Musik, Sound, technische Koordination, Video,
FotoMatías Gutiérrez
LichtMatías Sendón
Kostüme, künstlerische Produktion & GrafikLuciana Iovane
Produktionsleitung & AdministrationTiziano Cruz, Cecilia Kuska
DiffusionCecilia Kuska


ProduktionULMUS Gestión Cultural
KoproduktionMITsp – São Paulo International Theater Exhi- bition, Festival Avignon, La Batie, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, FIBA Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires, CCKONEX, Ulmus Gestión Cultural & ROSA studio
UnterstützungFIBA, CCKONEX – KONEX Kulturstadt, Buenos Aires, CRL – Central Elétrica (Portugal)
PremiereMärz 2024, São Paulo


Site map

Poetic Documentary Theatre. Rite of Passage

Swiss Premiere, Nominated for the ZKB Patronage Prize


1.20 hrs.




German and English


14 years plus

Post-Performance Talk

Sat 17.8., after the performance

An inclusive event

accessible with wheelchair with subtitle with inductive hearing loop with sign language


Bread Baking with Tiziano Cruz, Sat 17 Aug, 12.00 hrs.

Audio description

Live audio description on Wed, August 30


The performance takes place - also for reasons of sustainability - in collaboration with the La Bâtie-Festival de Genève and the Theaterfestival Basel.

Content Notes / Trigger Warnings

The piece addresses racism and structural violence, as well as death and mourning.
The performer interacts with the audience.



shows from today
  • Fr 16.08. 18:30 - 19:50 CHF 35.–/20.– 
  • Sa 17.08. 19:30 - 20:50 CHF 35.–/20.– 
  • Su 18.08. 19:30 - 20:50 CHF 35.–/20.– 
