Zora Snake

L’Opéra du Villageois


Nobody has to sit still in this opera. The audience is allowed to come close to the performer, surround him and finally follow him out of the museum to the sounds of a flute and words, inspired by the poet Aimé Césaire.

Zora Snake is one of the most talented Cameroonian dancers and choreographers of his generation. «L’Opéra du Villageois» is both a burial and liberation ritual. It denounces the European museums that harbour looted art in their collections and conjures up the spirit of the stolen objects. Snake reclaims everything that the colonial powers have plundered over the pastcenturies: the gold, the salt, the history. But their spirits are not dead: «They took the work, but not the spirit.»

«L’Opéra du Villageois» has already toured various museums around the world and is now presented twice in and in front of the Museum Rietberg as part of the exhibition «Dialogue with Benin. Art, Colonialism and Restitution». The Museum Rietberg is part of the Benin Initiative Switzerland, which is supported by eight Swiss museums. They have committed to a collaborative provenance research into cultural artefacts from the former Kingdom of Benin. (fa)

Simple words

Many museums in Europe own art that was stolen from Africa.

They have no right to do so.

Zora Snake is a dancer from Cameroon.

He tells the story of art objects from the former kingdom of Benin.

He does this with masks, gold and salt.

A woman accompanies him with a flute.

The piece takes place in and in front of the Museum Rietberg.

Artistic direction and cast

Choreografie, Konzept & PerformanceZora Snake
MusikMaddly Mendy Silva
Reden & StimmenFelwine Sarr, Bénédicte Savoy, Emmanuel Macron
Kostüm & RequisitenZora Snake
FotoJulie Cherki


ProduktionCompagnie Zora Snake
KoproduktionFaso danse téatri, Festivals sens interdits
ResidenzenVillage Sonkeng, Cameroon, Cité internationale des arts à Paris, Afrikadaa Paris (Pascale Obolo)
UnterstützungCharleroi danse, Théâtre national Wallonie-Bruxelles, Festival de Liège, Palais de Tokyo, Biennale de la danse en Afrique, Utopies performatives, June Events, Rautenstrauch-Joest- Museum/africologneFESTIVAL

Museum Rietberg

Site map

Performance. Liberation ritual. Looted art in European museums


1:30 hrs. (Performance and Guided Tour through the exhibition 45 min. each)


Performance mulitlingual, Guided Tour Englisch


16 years plus

An inclusive event

accessible with wheelchair


Sat 24.8., 21.00 hrs.

Post-Performance Talk

Sun 25.8., after the performance


An event in collaboration with the Museum Rietberg


«Dialogue with Benin. Art, Colonialism and Restitution», Museum Rietberg, Fri 23.8.24 to Sun 16.2.25, opening Thu 22.8., 18.00 hrs.

Content Note / Trigger Warning

The piece addresses colonial racism.
The performers interact with the audience.
There is no seating.



shows from today
  • Su 25.08. 16:30 - 18:00 CHF 35.–/20.– 
  • Su 01.09. 16:30 - 18:00 CHF 35.–/20.– 
